Search Results for: Linux

How to Use SSH Keys with Your Server

ssh keys cover

Simply password-protecting your Linux server no longer cuts it (they’re vulnerable to online and offline brute force and dictionary attacks, and people historically are terrible with maintaining secure password practices): you have to secure it with SSH keys. This tutorial will teach you what are SSH keys and how to replace the default Linux password […]

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How Does Virtualization Work Exactly? (Cloud Explained Series)

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In the first article of this series, we explained that the existence of virtual instances like VPS is possible thanks to technology called virtualization. But how does virtualization itself work in detail? In the second part of Cloud Explained Series, we’re going to talk about how a virtual machine is connected to the hardware, what

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First Steps with Contabo: How to Get Your Server Up and Running

First steps article cover picture

In this guide, we will walk you through the necessary steps to use your Contabo server. From accessing your Customer Control Panel for the first time to hardening your security, we’ll show you all the essentials to run a server. After you read this article, we recommend you dig deeper by following links to more

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