10 years Contabo in pictures: Part 3
The first and second part of my overview about the history of Contabo was about our beginning on the hosting market and our rapid and continuous growth up to the year 2007. Now let’s move to 2008. Please find again on the chronicle below what has happened in 2008: In 2008 we relocated more than
10 years Contabo in pictures: Part 2
In our last blog post we have already given you an overview about the history of Contabo since its foundation. Now we would like to move on into 2006. For a better understanding keep again an eye on the chronicle of Contabo: In March 2006 we opened our first office in the heart of Munich.
10 years Contabo in pictures: Part 1
A few days ago Katharina gave you a detailed overview about the history of Contabo in her blog post “Contabo through the ages! The story so far…”. Based on the mentioned most important milestones of the past 10 years we are going to publish now and within the next few days some pictures, photos and
A lucky winner!
As you can see, the first prize has arrived at one of our lucky winners. As a thank you he sent us the following picture. Have fun with your new MyGiga Android TV Stick!
Realtime server status: Contabo-Status.com
We are working continously hard to improve the infrastructure of our data center although it is already very reliable. Furthermore, we have a lot of control mechanisms which are detecting problems even before they might have an effect at all. However, despite these security mechanisms we can not entirely eliminate the risk of short temporary
And the winner is…
We received more than 100 poems. It was really hard work to read through every poem. But now our jury finally made its decision and we can proudly present the winners of our poetry slam. But first of all, it has to be mentioned, that we received poems in German as well in English language.
Contabo through the ages! The story so far…
Contabo celebrates its 10th birthday. We would like to take this opportunity to give you a short look back on the history of our hosting company. Over the last years a lot has changed at Contabo, formerly Giga-International. However, our main concern always has remained the same: Our corporate goals: Right from the beginning we
Contabo Poetry Slam
A few days ago we started our “10 years Contabo anniversary” setup promotion – but now it’s time for our creative heads. On the occasion of our anniversary we are going to start the second part of our special events. True to the motto “Join in and win” you can show your creative side and