
Contabo through the ages! The story so far…

Contabo celebrates its 10th birthday. We would like to take this opportunity to give you a short look back on the history of our hosting company. Over the last years a lot has changed at Contabo, formerly Giga-International. However, our main concern always has remained the same: Our corporate goals: Right from the beginning we […]

Contabo through the ages! The story so far… Read More »

Today’s carnival!

This is the reason why all Contabo employees got “Krapfen”, a typical sweet German carnival speciality. Unfortunately I was too slow and only able to take a picture of the rest. It seems that most of us rather are carnival grumps because I haven’t seen any batman or princess yet in our office :-). But

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Price reduction for all dedicated and virtual servers!

The journey has just begun! This is probably the most appropriate description in one sentence for our ambitious plans for the year 2013. A few weeks after changing our company name, we are innovating the market for dedicated and virtual servers. Contabo reduces the prices of all dedicated and virtual servers (VPS) and doubles the

Price reduction for all dedicated and virtual servers! Read More »

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