What to do if your server is not reachable anymore

Interactive Guide

In case you’re experiencing issues connecting to your server, our guide will walk you through common issues and how to resolve them:

If the guide couldn’t help you or if you have been redirected here, please continue with creating a report for our customer support.

Diagnostics and log files

If your server should run but is not reachable, the reason might be a routing problem between your internet provider and Contabo and you should follow these instructions:

To make sure it’s not an connectivity issue we recommend to create a so called “MTR report”.

MTR does nothing else than a traceroute combined with PING.

To create a simple traceroute type the following into your command line:

Open your cmd.exe or your powershell application and type
tracert <your IP>
Linux :
Open a terminal and type
traceroute <your IP>

Starting an MTR is very easy, just get the latest Version here :

On Windows 10 make sure to get Version 0.92 or newer.
On Linux you should be also able to install it from your repository:
apt-get update && apt-get install mtr

After installing the necessary package, you can run the application.

Windows: Navigate to the downloaded folder and unzip the file, some directories have been created. Rightclick on the .exe and hit “Run as administrator”. Now just type your IP and hit start.


Linux: Open your terminal and enter mtr <your IP>


It’s recommended to run the application for at least 10 minutes, this makes sure that enough data is being collected.

Take a screenshot or save the log file, our support will need those information if you plan to contact us.