How Do I Install a SSL Certificate On My Windows Server?

How do I move my SSL files to my server?

  1. Open “Remote Desktop Connection” application. 
  2. Click “Show Options” at the bottom of the window.

    Remote Desktop Connection Show Options

  3. Go to the “Local resources” tab and click “More” under “Local devices and resources”.

    Local Resources and More Button

  4. In the window that appears, expand the “Drives” section and select a drive on your local machine that you wish to share with your server. In our case it was drive “Windows (C:)”.

    List of drives

  5. Press “Okay” and go back to the “General” tab. 
  6. Enter the IP address into the “Computer” field and your username (usually “Administrator”) under “User name” and press “Connect”. 
  7. Once connected to the server, open the “File Explorer” application. 
  8. You will see the shared disk under the “Redirected drives and folders” section in “This PC” tab.

    Redirected drives and folders

How do I install SSL certificates on my server?

Now you have uploaded the SSL certificates to your server, you can start installing the certificates on IIS with the steps below:

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. 
  2. In the Connections pane, double-click Server Certificates.

    IIS Manager Server Certificates Option

  3. In the Actions pane on the left side, click Import. 
  4. Under Certificate file (.pfx) click on three dots button.

    More options button

  5. . Find the folder where you stored your certificates, select “certificate.pfx” and click Open.
  6. There is no password for this file, so just click “Okay”. You will see the certificate appears in the middle pane. 
  7. In the Connections pane, expand your server node and click on Sites. 
  8. Select the site where you want to install the SSL certificate. 
  9. In the Actions pane, click on Bindings…. 
  10. In the Site Bindings window, click Add.

    Binidngs option

  11. In the Add Site Binding window enter the following settings: 
    1. Set Type to https. 
    2. Set the IP address to the server’s IP or leave it as All Unassigned. 
    3. Set the Port to 443. 
    4. Select the SSL certificate from the SSL certificate drop-down list. 
    5. Click OK and then Close the Site Bindings window. 
  12. Once everything above is done – your SSL is installed for your website. Please kindly keep in mind that you will need to set up redirection from http to https to have secured connection to your website.


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