How do I install a SSL certificate on Plesk?
There are a few things you will need to do before installing the SSL certificate on Plesk.
Plesk needs a .pem file to assign SSL certificates to your domain. As the Contabo SSL provider does not provide .pem files, you will need to create it yourselves.
Please create a simple text file and name it “certificate.pem” and open it with a text editor. Then follow these steps:
- Open the “certificate.key” file with a text editor and copy its contents to the recently created “certificate.pem” file.
- Open the “certificate.crt” file with a text editor, copy its contents and add it to the “certificate.pem” file at the end after “—–END PRIVATE KEY—–“.
- Finally, open the “certificate_chain.crt” file in a text editor, copy its contents and add it to the “certificate.pem file” at the end after “—–END CERTIFICATE—–“.
Once done your “certificate.pem” should look something like this:
- Save the file and follow the next steps to install your SSL certificate on Plesk.
- Open your Plesk control panel by going to https://<YOUR_IP>:8443 and login.
- Open “Websites & Domain” from the left sidebar and click on the domain where you want to install the SSL certificate.
- Click on “SSL/TLS” Certificates under the “Security” section as shown below:
- At the bottom of the page, under “More Options”, click “Upload .pem file”.
- In a new window go to a directory which contains your .pem file, select it and click “Open” or “Upload”.
Once you’ve uploaded the .pen file your SSL certificate should be uploaded.
You can read more about SSL on our blog here.