I’m Getting the Error “Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons” What Do I Do?

I’m Getting The Error “Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons” What Do I Do?

When trying to connect to your server you may get the following error: 

There are a few things you can check to try and solve this error:

  • Please check whether your server is responding to Ping (= ICMP) requests. If not, please try to reboot your server using your Customer Control Panel. If you’re not sure how to restart your server you can follow the guide here.
  • If you use a VPS or VDS, you can also connect to your server through VNC to check the server and firewall settings. You can find a guide on how to connect to your server via VNC on our blog here.
  • If you use a dedicated server and do not have a KVM setup on your server, please get in contact with the Contabo support team. 
    You can raise a ticket with the customer support team via the Customer Control Panel here.


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