What happens if I miss a payment?
All services provided by Contabo have a specific renewal date, depending on the contract period and the date you have ordered the service.
It is essential that your payments are received before the renewal date. Missing payments can lead to a temporary suspension or total cancellation of services. If you do not contact Contabo regarding a server that has not been paid for, data loss cannot be excluded.
Do not send payments at the last moment, do it a few days before the due date to make sure your payment is processed in time.
It is also recommended to set up recurring payments with credit card or PayPal. This way, you won’t have to worry about paying on time, as the payment will be made automatically and you won’t miss a payment.
Where can I see upcoming payments?
As an existing customer, you have access to the Customer Control Panel, where you can check upcoming renewal dates at any time. You will also receive an automated reminder a few days before your renewal date.