
IPv6 now available for all our customers

We are happy to announce the introduction of IPv6 in our network. IPv6 is the successor to IPv4. Normally, when talking about an ip address, one means an IPv4 address. An example for an IPv4 address would be An example for an IPv6 address would be 2a02:c200:0000:0010:0000:0000:1231:0001. IPv6 is entirely optional, meaning you can

IPv6 now available for all our customers Read More »

Adding IPv6 connectivity to your server

On the servers provided by Contabo an IPv6 address is already preconfigured. However on some servers the IPv6 connectivity still has to be activated. If your server can not establish a IPv6 connection, please perform the following steps: Linux Connect to your server via SSH Execute the following command with root rights:enable_ipv6 Reboot your server

Adding IPv6 connectivity to your server Read More »

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