Windows vs. Linux – Whats Better?
Have you ever asked yourself whats better: Windows or Linux? In this article we will discuss the advantages of both!
Have you ever asked yourself whats better: Windows or Linux? In this article we will discuss the advantages of both!
To avoid boredom in the Giga-International department we revised our hardware RAID offers for you. For those who do not know what it is exactly – here is the explanation: RAID (redundant array of independent disks) is a storage technology that combines multiple disk drive components into a logical unit. Data is distributed across the
It has been announced already here and as a countdown on facebook, but now, it’s really official: Today we are introducing a new root server model in our product portfolio named “GIGA Dedicated Server X“. Some of you may think now: “Ok, this is a new server with a little bit more power!” But that
We proudly present our new root server model “GIGA Dedicated Server X” Read More »
Last week I initiated on our facebook fanpages Contabo and Contabo International a small survey on the topic „server outsourcing“. The response of course could have been a bit bigger, but at least 14 people have made their voices; so I take this opportunity to write a short blog post about the benefits of an
What are the advantages of an external data center! Read More »
We had announced it already during the past days. Giga-International will be offering a new server model shortly. Being the new highend model this new server will enter a frontline position of Giga Hostings server fleet, so to speak. In this case, the decisive factor for choosing the hardware of our new ‘flagship’ was our
An era is just about to draw to a close. The GIGA Dedicated Server XL, which has been a successfull contributor to our server fleet for years, will vanish from our portfolio shortly. This XL rootserver will only remain available for ordering from our homepage for a short while. You have got just a few
This winter we are going to expand our upstreams with an additional, high-quality carrier. In addition to the already existing, extremely reliable connections via M-Net and Telia Sonera (10 Gbit/s each) there will be yet a third 10 Gbit/s connection in our datacenter available from February 2012 on. With it we’re investing in a new
As of today, is presenting their official website on FACEBOOK. Like in our company blog, we would like to use this platform to inform all interested folks specifically about our products, new developments, some interesting details about our day-to-day business and, not to forget, about ourselves. In addition, you can post your comments regarding
When it comes to supporting specifically intensive traffic applications and assisting its customers with low, even marketing-wise unusual cheap prices, in order to make their ideas and projects come true, Giga-International is looking back at a long successful history. With pride we may remind that many years ago, Giga-International was among one of the first
100 Mbit/s is not enough: 1 Gbit/s Uplink for your server available! Read More »
Outside, red hot and tropical weather conditions, but the servers located at Giga-Hosting’s datacenter, always keep a ‘cool processor’. Thanks to 7 climate cabinets in our datacenter and to 2 cooling units on the roof top, a consistent decent temperature is kept, to care for the servers on our server floor. In April 2011, the
Number of the month: 2 + 7 = Decent Temperature! Read More »