What is the Velero Tool?

What is the Velero tool?

Velero is a free backup and disaster recovery tool for kubernetes (k8s) supporting S3 compatible Object Storage as a destination. Please follow the installation instructions here if you’re interested in using Velero.

You will need the following information to setup Velero to be compatible with Contabo’s Object Storage:

  • access_key
  • secret_key
  • destination bucket
  • Contabo’s S3 URL

How do I setup Velero to work with Contabo’s Object Storage:

  1. Create a secrets file with name secrets with following content:

    aws_access_key_id = e.g 82046e8110804a43bf29c1ae426a724d
    aws_secret_access_key = e.g 82e69bd7a52076c527154297a76c2233

  2. Perform velero install to apply the settings.

    For example you could use the following configuration if you are having kubernetes running at AWS:

    velero install 
    --provider aws
    --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.5.0
    --bucket mybucket
    --secret-file ./secrets


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