What is the Goofys Tool?

What is the Goofys tool?

Goofys is another S3 file system tool for Linux and macOS. It provides the same functionality as s3fs-fuse but with better performance. 

Please follow the installation instructions described here if you are interested in the tool. You will need the following information to install the tool:

  • access_key
  • secret_key
  • Contabo’s S3 URL

On Linux systems, make sure package fuse-utils is installed and run the following command:

wget https://github.com/kahing/goofys/releases/latest/download/goofys
sudo install goofys /usr/local/bin/

Please note that that a mounted Object Storage bucket doesn’t always behave like a normal POSIX file system. Depending on how your application is accessing files, you may encounter issues like:

  • No/wrong file system usage statistics.
  • Sub-par performance.
  • Unexpected unmounts.
  • Duplicate writes leading to hidden objects that occupy space but are invisible to S3 API requests.

If possible, using other tools like rclone to access Object Storage is recommended.

How do I configure Goofys with Contabo’s Object Storage?

Either follow the steps from aws-cli to configure an endpoint in ~/.aws/credentials or create the file manually:



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