Are There Any Bandwidth Limits at Contabo?

Are there any bandwidth limits at Contabo?

Bandwidth limits may vary depending on the type of server you have. 

But, if your server exceeds its allocated bandwidth for 10 consecutive days, our support team will contact you to inform you that a bandwidth limit has been applied to your account.

These measures help ensure a fair distribution of bandwidth. However, in certain cases where a server consistently consumes a large amount of bandwidth, additional limitations may be enforced.

As your hosting provider, we are dedicated to guaranteeing fair bandwidth distribution for all users, which is why these measures are in place.

Below, you’ll find details on how to increase your bandwidth limit depending on the type of server you’re using:

For Virtual Private Servers (VPS): 

If you have a VPS with Contabo, it is not possible to upgrade it to be able to use a higher bandwidth package.

The possibility to upgrade the bandwidth of your server is only available for Dedicated Servers and VDS. So if you need more than 100 Mbps on a continuous basis, you would have to cancel your VPS plan and buy a new VDS or Dedicated Server.

For Dedicated Servers and Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS):

If you require consistently high bandwidths above 100 Mbps, we can offer you different data transfer packages:

  • Unrestricted Data Transfer at 250 Mbit/s:  €86.29
  • Unrestricted Data Transfer at 500 Mbit/s:  €172.49
  • Unrestricted Data Transfer at 750 Mbit/s:  €258.79
  • Unrestricted Data Transfer at 1 Gbit/s:  €344.99

If you are interested in upgrading to Unrestricted Data Transfer, please contact customer support.

You can raise a ticket with the customer support team via the Customer Control Panel here.


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