How to Set Up a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS

How to Setup a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS (head image)

Minecraft enthusiasts often seek ways to enhance their gaming experience and setting up a Spigot server on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) proves to be a game-changer. In this guide, we will navigate through How to Setup a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS and the essential prerequisites for a seamless setup. 

Setting Up a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS

Preparing Your VPS

Setting up a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is the foundational step in establishing a robust Minecraft Spigot server. In this chapter, we will explore hosting options and guide you through accessing your VPS with a specific emphasis on security. 

VPS Hosting Options 

Selecting the right VPS hosting is crucial for a smooth Minecraft server experience. We recommend our VPS M SSD for its impressive specifications: 16GB RAM, 400GB SSD, and 6 vCPU Cores. These resources provide a solid foundation for hosting your Spigot server. The RAM and the CPU cores ensure that you and your friends will not experience any lags or world-loading issues while playing. The huge 400GB of SSD storage provide enough space for all your builds, making sure your server will not run out of storage space any time soon.  

Accessing Your VPS 

Now that you have chosen your VPS, the next step is gaining access. This involves connecting to your server via SSH (Secure Shell). Refer to our article, “Establishing a connection to your server via SSH,” for a detailed guide. Additionally, it is necessary to log in as the root user, ensuring you have the necessary privileges. For insights into managing superuser accounts, sudo, and root access, check out our guide titled “A Practical Guide to Superuser Accounts, sudo & root.“Let us ensure a secure and empowered start to your Minecraft server journey. 

Installing Other Minecraft Versions

While Spigot is a fantastic choice for many, Minecraft offers a diverse range of experiences with different server versions. Here, we will briefly guide you to resources for installing Vanilla Minecraft and setting up a Forge server on your VPS. 

How to Setup a Minecraft Server – The Ultimate Guide 

If you are inclined towards the purity of Vanilla Minecraft, our comprehensive guide “How to Setup a Minecraft Server – The Ultimate Guide” walks you through the step-by-step process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, this guide covers the essentials for a smooth Vanilla Minecraft server setup. 

How to Setup a Minecraft Forge Server on a VPS 

For those who crave the excitement of modded gameplay, our guide on “Setting up a Minecraft Forge server on a VPS” is your go-to resource. Explore the world of mods and enhancements to customize your Minecraft experience. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough, ensuring you are well-equipped to start your modded Minecraft journey. 

How to Install Spigot on a Linux VPS (Manual)

For those who enjoy a hands-on approach and want to delve into the intricacies of a manual Spigot installation, this chapter is your guide to building a customized Minecraft server. Let us start with the manual Spigot installation, step by step. 

Minecraft Spigot Installation on a VPS 

Before diving into the Spigot installation, ensure your VPS is equipped with the necessary tools. Let us start by installing required packages: 


Screen provides a virtual terminal session, allowing your Minecraft server to run in the background. Install it using: 

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install screen 


Wget, a command-line utility, will help us download necessary files. Install it using: 

sudo apt-get install wget 

How to Install Java 17 on a Linux VPS 

Different Minecraft versions may require specific Java versions. 

Minecraft Version Required Java Version 
1.7.10 – 1.16.5 Java 8 
1.17.x Java 16 
1.18+ Java 17 

For this guide, we will install Java 17, which is a versatile choice for many versions. 

sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre-headless 

Verify the installation: 

java -version 

Downloading and Building Spigot 

Now, let us fetch the latest Spigot build using the BuildTools. Navigate to your home directory and run the following commands: 

cd ~ 
java -jar BuildTools.jar  

This process may take some time as it compiles the Spigot server. Once completed, you will find a `spigot-x.x.x.jar` file in your home directory, where `x.x.x` is the version number. 

Creating a Spigot Directory and Moving the JAR File 

Let us organize our files. Create a directory for your Spigot server: 

mkdir SpigotServer 
cd SpigotServer 

Move the Spigot JAR file into this directory: 

mv ~/spigot-x.x.x.jar ./spigot.jar 

Configuring and Launching Your Spigot Server 

Now, it is time to configure your server. Create a `` file using a text editor: 


In the editor, paste the following: 


screen -S SpigotServer java -Xms1G -Xmx2G -jar spigot.jar nogui


If necessary, please modify:  

  • Xms for the minimum amount of RAM you want to allocate  
  • Xmx for the maximum number of RAM you want to allocate  

Also, lets accept the EULA (End User License Agreement) by creating a file called eula.txt with this command:  

nano eula.txt 

And paste in the following content:  


After you have pasted the content, save the file with [CTRL+O] and exit the editor with [CTRL+X]. 

Now, make the script executable: 

chmod +x 

To start your Spigot server, execute this command: 



Because our Minecraft instance is running inside a screen-session the server will continue to run even if we close our console/shutdown the PC we used to connect to the remote server.  

If you want to close the Minecraft-console (e.g., you want to do something else on your Linux server, use [CTRL+A]+D to close (detach) the console.  

If you want to open it up (re-attach) again, use this command:  

screen –rx 

Congratulations! You have manually installed and launched your Spigot server. Tailor it to your preferences, invite your friends, and embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure. If this was too complex for you, but you still want to self-host your Minecraft Spigot server, we got you covered with our next self-hosting method – The installer script. 

Installing Spigot through Installer Script

This method is great for anyone who wants to set up their own Spigot server but found the steps above a bit tricky. 

We will use “mcserver_installer” by realTM – an open–source, powerful and extensive Bash-Script to install Minecraft servers on your Linux server.  

More information and the source-code of this project can be found on the official GitHub page here:  


  • A Linux server with a supported Linux distribution (Debian & Ubuntu) and enough resources (We recommend at least our VPS M SSD)  
  • Root & SSH Access to your Linux server  

Downloading the Script 

To download the script, the git-package needs to be installed on your server. To install it use:  

apt install git –y

Now download the script with this command:  

git clone 

Running the Minecraft Spigot Installer Script 

After downloading the script go into its directory with this command:  

cd mcserver_installer 

And execute the script with this command:  


When starting the script for the first time, it wants to install some required packages. Hit “Yes” to continue.  

Initial Setup

How to Setup a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS (script initial installation)

This process can take a few moments to finish.  

After the initial setup process, the script will ask you which type of Minecraft server you want to install. From now on this will be the menu you will get every time you start the script. 

Select Server Type

How to Setup a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS (script, choose minecraft type)

As you can see, this script can install Minecraft Vanilla, Forge, Spigot and Paper servers. In this case we will go with “Minecraft Spigot” – so we use the up and down keys to navigate to “Minecraft Spigot” and hit enter to select it.  

Select the Major Version

Now it prompts us to select the major Minecraft version you want to run Spigot on:  

How to Setup a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS (script, choose major minecraft version)

We will select the, as of today, newest version, which is 1.20 using the up and down keys again, followed by pressing enter.  

Installation of Java 17

The script automatically detects that to run a Minecraft 1.20 server, Java 17 is required and asks you if you want to install it:  

How to Setup a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS (script install java 17 on VPS)

Hit “Yes” to install it. This process will take a few moments to finish. 

Select the Subversion

In the next screen you will be able to select the exact subversion: 

(script install spigot 1.20.1)

In this case, for Minecraft Spigot 1.20 there is only one subversion available, namely 1.20.1. Confirm your entry by pressing enter again. 

Spigot.jar Compillation

Now the spigot.jar needs to be compiled on your server: 

How to Setup a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS (script spigot.jar compiler)

Depending on your server’s hardware, this process can take several minutes! 

Confirm this by pressing enter again. 

Nice-to-know: Luckily, this script offers an .jar archive. That means that next time you want to install another Spigot 1.20.1 server the .jar does not need to be compiled again! 

Set the RAM of the Minecraft Server

After the installation has finished, you can either select a pre-defined amount of RAM to allocate to your Minecraft server or set a custom amount.  

(script select ram)

Pro-Tip: If you do not want to run anything on the server except the Minecraft server, you can allocate up to 75% of the Linux server’s RAM. In this example, our VPS M SSD has 16GB of RAM, so we could allocate a maximum of 12GB of RAM to the server. If you want to run other things on your Linux server besides the Minecraft server, we recommend you allocate no more than 50% of the RAM to the Minecraft server – so in our example, no more than 8GB.  

Finished Installation

After selecting the amount of RAM, your Minecraft server has been set up.  

How to Setup a Minecraft Spigot Server on a VPS (script installation finished)

Your server has been saved in the displayed directory. To start it go to this directory. In our example use this command:  

cd Servers/Spigot.1.20.1 

To start the server, use this command:  


Congrats! Your Minecraft Spigot 1.20.1 server is up and running in just a few minutes!  

If you want to learn more about the other features of the script and how to use them check out the official documentation of the script

Renting a Minecraft Server at GPORTAL

If the prospect of setting up a Minecraft server on a VPS seems a bit too hands-on or time-consuming, fear not. There are user-friendly alternatives that cater to various preferences. One such option is renting a Minecraft server through GPORTAL—an accessible and efficient solution that lets you focus more on gaming and less on server management. 

Why Rent a Minecraft Server at GPORTAL? 

Renting a server from GPORTAL eliminates the need for manual setup and maintenance. It is an ideal choice for those who prefer a hassle-free experience, allowing you to concentrate on enjoying the game rather than dealing with server configurations. GPORTAL provides an intuitive platform that simplifies server management, making it accessible even for beginners. 

How to Rent a Minecraft Server at GPORTAL 

Renting a server from GPORTAL is a straightforward process. Visit their website and follow the user-friendly interface to choose your server specifications. Select the desired resources, such as RAM, player slots, and additional features. Once configured, proceed with the rental process, and within minutes, you will have a fully operational Minecraft server at your disposal. 

Advantages of GPORTAL Hosting 

GPORTAL offers several advantages, including: 

  • Ease of Use: The user interface is designed for simplicity, making it easy for both beginners and experienced users. 
  • Technical Support: GPORTAL provides customer support to assist you with any issues or queries you may have. 
  • Automated Updates: The platform handles server updates automatically, ensuring your server is always running the latest version. 

Renting a server from GPORTAL is a viable alternative for those seeking a user-friendly, managed Minecraft hosting solution. Whether you are a casual player or a dedicated gamer, GPORTAL streamlines the process, allowing you to dive into the Minecraft world with minimal effort and maximum enjoyment. 

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