Changing the Windows Administrator password – The easy way

Today we are going to show you how to change your Windows Administrator password the easy way.
This tutorial works with almost all Windows versions starting from Windows XP/NT (Windows Server 2003).
On Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 you should make sure that you are using local user accounts – not any online accounts.

Start the CMD.exe with administrator privileges, e.g. “Windowsbutton +R” and type in CMD.exe


The CMD.exe application should now pop up soon, the syntax for changing the password is very simple:

net user <username of the account you want to change the password> <new password>

Example :

net user administrator SomesecurePW2016

Of course you should never use this as a password, nor should you ever use it only for “testing” purpose.

Another option would be to use “*”, this will prompt you to enter a password. On a desktop Windows operating system like Windows 10, you could remove the password by just entering an empty value.


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