Our international affiliate program has been launched

Since today the launch of our international affiliate program is finally done. We were expanding our existing distribution channel of affiliate marketing and make an affiliate program available for our international affiliates as well (https://contabo.com/en/affiliate-program/). The existing German affiliate program, that markets the main products of Giga-International like V-Servers, Webhosting and Dedicated Servers already very

Our international affiliate program has been launched Read More »

We proudly present our new root server model “GIGA Dedicated Server X”

It has been announced already here and as a countdown on facebook, but now, it’s really official: Today we are introducing a new root server model in our product portfolio named “GIGA Dedicated Server X“. Some of you may think now: “Ok, this is a new server with a little bit more power!” But that

We proudly present our new root server model “GIGA Dedicated Server X” Read More »

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