Many of you, our valued customers, already use the popular administration panel Plesk Obsidian, since it offers lots of possibilities to manage and administrate your server in an easy way.
In cooperation with our partner Plesk, we also offer you the unique opportunity to try Plesk Obsidian one month for free – the offer is valid for all our VPS and dedicated servers!
The fact that Plesk Obsidian has lots of exciting and helpful features, allowing you to manage your Contabo VPS / server and everything involved with it in a convenient way, leads to lots of inquiries in our customer support department – totally understandable!
For us to be able to assist you in a smooth and at the same time qualified way, we invited Plesk to our offices in Munich and Nuremberg back in January. The experts conducted a one-day-training, followed by a test. In the end, all participants received an official Plesk certificate for completing the course! Now our colleagues are experts in Plesk and have quite a few tips & tricks up their sleeves 🙂

Of course, not everyone interested in this training could participate, as we had to ensure our customer support would still be available for you! That’s why we are happy to welcome Plesk again in the future – for additional and advanced training sessions. Stay tuned, we will keep you posted!