As of today, you can order the new operating systems Ubuntu 17.04 (replaces Ubuntu 16.10) and CentOS 6.9 (replaces CentOS 6.8) from us. Existing customers can upgrade within their customer control panel as well!
Ubuntu 17.04 can be combined with Webmin, LAMP, Webmin+LAMP as well as the Software Raid 1.
Apart from Webmin, LAMP, Webmin+LAMP and Software Raid 1, you can also combine CentOS 6.9 with cPanel and Plesk.
In addition to Ubuntu and CentOS, we offer you a wide range of Linux distributions (as well as Windows Server 2012/2016). Just click on “Customize & Order” on our VPS and dedicated servers overview sites and opt for the operating system that fits your needs – further details can be found on our website!