With the launch of up to 1000 new domain extensions (nTLDs) in 2014 the internet discovers a little revolution. Since we do not want you to only host your projects and websites at Contabo, but also allow you to be able to promote them well-directed, we added all the new, available domain extensions to our domain portfolio.
A detailed list with all the domain extensions available at Contabo can be found in our domain overview.
The field of application for these new domain extensions is almost unlimited: Doesn’t matter if you need a simple redirection domain, a so-called “speaking” domain name or simply a perfect and targeted advertisment of your new products and offers – anything is possible. Another argument in favor of using a new domain name extension is the fact that, nowadays, it has become quite difficult to find good and short domain names among the small group of the (previously) existing extentions like .com or .net. As of now, due to the large number of new domain extensions, you get the chance to register a short, memorable and also target-group-specific domain name.
In 2014 alone, more than 50 further domain extensions will be launched. Thus, you should take a regular look at our domain overview to not miss the chance to get your perfect matching domain name registered.