Until now we have never presented a “number of the month” in our blog, but I think February is a good month to start with it. This “number of the month” gives us the chance to reveal some more details about our company and our products by using hard facts instead of just telling anything. And, in my opinion, there do exist some really interesting facts which can be presented by using numbers in a very nice way.
Indeed, there are even two reasons why the number of the month February is 1000. At first, I chose this number because there are more than 1000 dedicated server systems up and running in our datacenter so far. Actually, we crossed this line around half a year ago and we’re already heading towards the line of 1500 servers. But as there hasn’t been a “number of the month” special yet, I didn’t want to miss the event of having crossed the number of 1000 servers. =)
Moreover, and this is much more news-worthy, we just achieved the milestone of maintaining more than 1000 v-servers for our customers. It was in the middle of May when we started to offer our new v-server products, thus only a little bit more than 8 months have passed since then. This means that, in average, we have created (and kept) more than 4 new virtual servers for our customers per day since we’ve been starting to offer them. This number seems quite remarkable to us considering the fact that we hardly do no advertising for our products.
Right now, there are days when we install dozens of new v-servers for our new and existing customers. The number of new server installations increases pretty fast.
Thanks to all of our customers for your loyalty and your confidence in our products! We’re definetly going on with our hard work to provide the best products and service for you possible!
And as there are so many new customers day by day, please let me finally announce something for our german blog visitors:
If you’re interested in the webhosting business and you think it might be a good idea to join a fast-growing hosting company with a nice team and excellent future prospects in the beautiful city of Munich (where the Oktoberfest is used to take place every year, just to mention one aspect… đŸ˜‰ ) don’t hesitate to contact me! We’re looking for new team members on all positions, such as customer support, technical assistance, administration, sales, etc. etc.
Have a really nice week! Your server at Giga-Hosting definetly does =)