How can I buy Auto Backup Add-On for a new Contabo server?
- Open the Contabo Website and select VPS you would like to buy. (Please note, the Auto Backup Add-On is only available for Cloud VPS, not for storage VPS.)
- You should be taken to the “Configure your VPS ” page. Select the configuration options you want for your VPS.
- You should see a section called “Data Protection with Automated Backup”.
- Select and add the Automated Backup Add-On to your order.
- Complete your order and your new VPS will then come with the Automated Backup Add-On.
How Can I buy the Auto Backup Add-On for an existing VPS?
There are a couple of ways you can purchase the Auto Backup Add-On for an existing VPS by using the new Customer Control Panel. Follow one set of steps below to purchase the Auto Backup Add-On:
Via the VPS menu:
- Log in to the new Customer Control Panel (
- Click “Servers & Hosting” and then “VPS” from the menu left hand side of the page.
- Select the server you would like to purchase the Auto Backup feature for by clicking on the instance name.
- Click the Button “Order Auto Backup Add-On”.
- You will be shown how much you will have to pay monthly for the feature.
- Once you’re satisfied click the “Order and Pay to Continue” to complete the purchase.
Via the “Auto Backup” menu:
- Log in to the new Contabo Control Panel (
- Click “Servers & Hosting” and then “VPS Auto Backup” from the menu on the left hand side of the page.
- Click the Button “Order Auto Backup Add-On” at the bottom of the page.
- You will be shown how much you will have to pay monthly for the feature.
- Once you’re satisfied click the “Order and Pay to Continue” to complete the purchase.
How much does the Auto Backup Add-On cost?
The cost of the Add-On varies by product type (and associated storage) from €1.15 to €12.00 per month but includes the same service across all products.
When ordering the Auto Backup Add-On you will be shown exactly what you will have to pay for the Add-On.