What is the Cloudberry Explorer Tool?

What is the Cloudberry Explorer Tool?

Cloudberry Explorer is a tool used to manage files in desktop applications. It runs on Windows and Mac.

If you’re interested in using the tool please follow the installation instructions here. You will need the following information to use Cloudberry Explorer:

  • access_key
  • secret_key
  • Contabo’s S3 URL

How do I configure Cloudberry Explorer with Contabo’s Object Storage?

  1. Start Cloudberry Explorer and it should open a window. Select Cloud Storage or click on File > Add New Account to get there.
  2. Double click “S3 Compatible”.
  3. Specify a Display name of your choice.
  4. Specify the Contabo S3 URL you use as Service point.
  5. Specify the Access Key.
  6. Specify the Secret Key.
  7. Check Use SSL.
  8. Check Use native multipart upload.
  9. You can see an example of how this is filled out here:

    S3 Credentials example 


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