How Do I Install Plesk on My Existing Server?

Overview of installing Plesk onto a Contabo server:

Plesk is a is 3rd party web hosting control panel tool that can be included with your Contabo server. 

You can purchase Plesk servers on the website here or if you already have a Contabo server you can purchase it separately by contacting the customer support team. 

You can raise a ticket with the customer support team via the Customer Control Panel here.

If you have purchased Plesk for an existing server you will need to reinstall your server with Plesk. You can find below the steps on how to do this via the Customer Control Panel.

How do I install Plesk on my sever?

  1. Log in to the Customer Control Panel.
  2. Click “Your services” in the blue “control panel” section on the left hand side of the page.
  3. Click the “Manage” button next to the server you would like to run the re-install on.
  4. Click “Re-install” from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select the operating system you would like to re-install on your server.
  6. In the panel dropdown select Plesk.
  7. Enter the password you would like to use for the new operating system.
  8. Re-enter the password in the text box “password (confirm)”.
  9. Click the “Start Installation” button when you’re ready.

Clicking the “Start Installation” button will begin the installation immediately so make sure you’ve selected all the right setting first. Also this process will cause all data on the server to be deleted, so if there is data on your server you will need make sure to backup the server first before running the installation. 

How do I access Plesk after installation?

After you have successfully installed Plesk on your server, you can access it by your web browser entering the following URL:

https://[[Your Server IP Address]]:8443/

For example if your servers IP address was you would enter the following URL:

Once you have logged in to your server, you might have to enter an activation code in the “License Management” tool of Plesk. You can find this tool following the path “Tools & Settings” > “License Management” > “Install Key”. Here, please enter your activation code which you should have received via email after purchasing Plesk with Contabo.


Video Content:

You can also watch a video on how to install Plesk here:

If you’re having trouble accessing the video above, you can also watch it directly on Youtube here.


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