Can I Change My Virtual Private Server Plan?
It is possible to change an existing Virtual Private Server (VPS) plan but the processes for upgrading and downgrading your plan are different.
Below you’ll find how to change your VPS plan depending on what type of change you would like to make.
Can I upgrade my VPS plan?
Upgrading your VPS plan be done via the Customer Control Panel, there are two ways to handle a VPS upgrade depending on whether you want to keep the data on your server or not.
Below is a description of both methods:
New Deployment (Installation):
The new deployment (installation) method deletes all data on your current instance and creates a new instance with a new IP address in a region of your choice.
This method is free of charge.
Live Migration:
With the live migration method, we will migrate your server, including all server data, to the region of your choice.
Your server will remain online during the data transfer. The duration of a migration depends on the amount of data to be transferred and some other technical conditions, so it is not possible to give an exact estimate for this process.
Once the data transfer is completed, the server must be restarted and reconfigured. During this downtime, Contabo will reconfigure the main IP address of the server. This process will cause a period of downtime, it is not possible to give an exact timeframe for how long the downtime will be.
There is a service charge for this method which will be shown to you when you upgrade your VPS in the Customer Control Panel.
How do I upgrade my VPS plan?
- Log in to the Customer Control Panel.
- Click “Your services” from the blue “control panel” section on the left hand side of the page.
- Scroll down the page and find your VPS. If your VPS is eligible for upgrade there should be a yellow “Upgrade now” button next to it. Click the “Upgrade Now” button.
- A pop up window should appear. You can see the specifications for the different VPS offerings and their prices. Once you have decided which VPS you would like to upgrade to click the button on the left hand side next to the VPS you would like to upgrade to.
- You can also check the “I also wish to order the Storage Extension.” box if you would like extra storage. If not leave it unchecked.
- Check either the “Live Migration” or “New Deployment” box depending on how you would like to handle the upgrade. There is more information about these two methods above.
- If you have any special requests for the upgrade click the “Add Special Request” link. A textbox will open where you can write any additional instructions you may have. If you don’t have any special requests you can leave this textbox empty.
- Check the box “I agree to pay the new fee indicated above according to General Terms and Conditions.”
- Check the box that confirms that you understand the price difference and will pay the difference in your plans.
- Review all the options you’ve selected. Once you’re happy with them click the “Request Upgrade” button.
You will then be updated on the progress of the upgrade by the customer support team.
Can I downgrade my VPS plan?
If you want to downgrade your plan then you’ll need to buy the smaller plan through the Customer Control Panel. Once you downgrade, it is recommended to transfer all the data from your current VPS to the new downgraded one, and then mark the old VPS for cancellation.
You can order a new VPS by clicking “VPS” in the orange “New Order” section at the bottom of the Customer Control Panel.