Installation of Softaculous in Plesk and cPanel

Softaculous offers a huge number of scripts which can be installed by the popular „Auto Installer“ under the Plesk and cPanel administration. For Plesk you can activate Softaculous only on a Linux operating system. The free version gives you access to more than 50 scripts whereas the fee-based, fully-licensed version offers around 450 scripts. An overview of the supported scripts can be found here.

Procedure under Plesk

For Plesk 12.0+ versions

The installation of Softaculous under Plesk can be performed by just a few clicks. Please login to your Plesk Control panel with your root user. Afterwards go to the “Server Management -> Extensions” page and click on the “Extensions Catalog” tab. Once done you can search for Softaculous and click on the “Install” button.

Once you have finished the installation of Softaculous you can find it under the “My Extensions” tab.

Please take note that the free version of Softaculous is installed per default. In case that you need the full license for Softaculous, you can order it directly in the “My Extensions” tab next to Softaculous under the “Buy” button.

For older versions of Plesk please use the following procedure for the installation of Softaculous:

1. ionCube loader activation

If you’re not sure about your admin rights, always enter the command sudo -i at the beginning of every session:

sudo -i

This command will grant you the rights of a power user, so you don’t have to write the command sudo at the beginning of every command line.
Before you start with the activation of the ionCube loader, you have to check if this one is not already installed and enabled on your server.
To check the ionCube version please connect to your server via SSH as root and use the following command:

find / -name 'ioncube_loader_*'

To check if the ionCube loader is activated you can use the following command:

php -m | grep -i ioncube

2. Installation of Softaculous

When the ionCube loader is activated you can continue with the installation of Softaculous. Therefore please take care that you have enabled POSIX. You can check this by executing the following command:

php -m | grep -i posix

In case that POSIX is not enabled, you can enable it in „Tools & Settings“ → „PHP Settings“ → Please select the related PHP handler and continue with the next steps. Once you have taken care that POSIX is enabled, please connect to your server via SSH as root and execute the following commands:

wget -N
chmod 755

Once the commands are executed the installer will start with the installation process of Softacoulous. During the installation scripts will be downloaded and the download activity will be shown on the screen. Afterwards you can select Softaculous in your Plesk administration.

Procedure under cPanel/WHM:

1. ionCube loader activation

To activate the ionCube loader on your cPanel administration please follow the steps below:
* Login to WHM (root)
* Got to Server Configuration → Tweak Settings → PHP
* Select „ioncube“ check box for „cPanel PHP loader“
* Click on „Save“ button.
* That’s it. This will enable ionCube for you in 3rd party PHP binary.


2. Installation of Softaculous

Once you have activated the ionCube loader you have to connect to your server via SSH as root and execute the following commands:

wget -N
chmod 755

Afterwards go to WHM > Plugins > Softaculous – Instant Installs

The following webpage should open if the installation was successful:


There you can purchase the fully licensed version, if required.

General information about Softaculous

More detailed information about Softaculous and an overview of the current apps can be found using the links below:

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