For many of our server customers it’s very important to get an internet bandwidth for their server which is guaranteed 24/7 during day and night and, moreover, which is allowed to be used by their server without running the risk of being suspended or throttled.
So what we did with immediate effect is that we halved the monthly price for our server upgrade “100 Mbit/s dedicated bandwidth – 24/7 guaranteed” which is available for every dedicated server during the order process. Up to now such an exclusive bandwidth guarantee only has been available for 399 EUR per month. Now our customers get this benefit for amazing 199 EUR per month!
Of course, we also cut the prices for our dedicated bandwidth usable with our housing solutions accordingly.
With this enormous price reduction we would like to invite our customers to something most other providers are afraid of: Please don’t hesitate to use our quality upstreams and do use as much traffic as you want! It is our goal to support your growth, and not to put a stoke in your wheel.