It’s summer in Munich. Although today it’s a rather rainy day and the temperature isn’t higher than 15 degrees during the day, it’s still June and it’s still one of the warmest months in the year.
With respect to the facts mentioned above it seems even more remarkable to me that both of our fully redundant air conditioning systems located on the roof of our datacenter are working in the freecooling mode (100% freecooling) right now.
As there’s not running any compressor in our chillers at all, we’re saving lots of energy. There’s no doubt that we usualy save this energy during the winter and during the colder months in autumn and spring, too. However, our modern and high-quality cooling units are good enough to save this energy even during the summer – just like they are doing right now. And these savings are pure money what we redirect to our customers by making great prices and providing excellent services with highly-educated personal on site. It’s a typical “win-win-situation”. But in this case, we have 3 winners: The customers, the datacenter and our environment.